Hello ladies and fellas of the iVillage world! Are there fellas here? I always assume it is just us gals. Well, if there are any guys out there I apologize in advance for this blog because it is gonna be girlie.
Okay, I got the tree decorated, the wreath on the front door and my Christmas cards sent out and now it is time to think ahead. 2010 is coming to an end and it is time for the ol' New Year's resolution. What is on your list or do you pick just one? I am a believer in lists. I guess I have to throw a big net out there mentally and maybe I will get at least one done! Ladies, this year we have to take care of ourselves better. As a working mom to a toddler, I don't usually invest time in myself. Here are a few simple things I am going to try to do...
1. Do selfless acts for those in your life who need it the most. Send your sister who teaches first grade in Louisiana a card telling her she is awesome and do it for no reason so she gets it out of the blue. Do lots of things like that. Make sure the people that matter the most to you know it.
2. Read more. Read anything. Just read. Anything at this point counts...trashy magazines, articles on the Internet, anything on the Internet, pamphlets left on your front door, manuals, and if you are really fancy, maybe the newspaper or a book! And sorry...anything to do with vampires does not count.
3. Seriously invest in new underwear and bras. My cotton undies from Target are looking a little sad. Oh, and my bras ... well, let's just say that I never throw anything away so it might be time to weed the nursing bras out of my dresser. But nursing bras are so attractive, you say. Fine, I say...I'll put them in storage. They were too damn expensive to get rid of and I am not sure a nursing bra is something you can pass on to someone else. :/
4. Find a way to get some legitimate exercise. And I think I have to face the fact that taking my daughter to the park is not a workout. Sure I go on the slide, the big-girl swing and the monkey bars, but I don't think that really counts as quality cardio time.
5. Learn a new recipe every month. (We all know this will not happen, but this is my ridiculous list so it has to be on here.
6. Learn a new language. Again, the chances of this happening are slim and, by the way, this one has been on my list for the last five years. As a result, I own a CD of French lessons, a few DVDs teaching Spanish and a book of Italian phrases. Not a lot of follow-through should be a theme you are picking up on.
7. Do a better job of shaving. Like for real ... stop skimping on your ankles, knees and feet. Look, I am not a hobbit but we all miss spots because we don't care. Well, it is time to care more!
8. Travel. Even a day trip away from home can make you get some perspective on your life. Once I drove half an hour to find a Super Target and I felt miles and miles away. (Is that a sad comment on my life?) So, this year I will take day trips, I will take my daughter to my parents' farm in Texas. She loves it and plus, any time out of Los Angeles is probably good for her. I mean ... I love L.A. (as the song goes), but it is not the most realistic town to grow up in. And I will go somewhere exotic! And I think we all know for me that exotic can mean going to the Grand Canyon.
9. Clean out my car more. What happens in there?!!! How does all of that crap make it to the floorboard?
10. Floss. 'Nuff said.
Gals and any fellas who stayed around, that is it for me. I would like to hear your resolutions. It makes me feel like we are all in this together! Happy holidays and all the best for 2011! And here comes a shameless plug but I figure you are online already so go visit... http://act.oceana.org. Yay! Helping the oceans is cool! :)

Angela Kinsey (aka the bitch from accounting on NBC's The Office)
Source: http://www.ivillage.com/angela-kinsey-celebrity-blog/1-a-308769
Anne Marie Kortright April Scott Arielle Kebbel Ashanti Ashlee Simpson Ashley Greene
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