Monday, November 8, 2010

Computer of Oksana Grigorieva: Seized!

According to reports, the Oksana Grigorieva extortion investigation is weeks away from being completed, thanks in large part to whatever's on her computer.

We don't actually know what's on it, but the L.A. County Sheriff's Department says officials are "knee-deep" in downloading and reviewing the data on it.

OG's lawyers tried to block investigators from reviewing most of the data in her computer, but a judge said it was fair game and ordered it confiscated.

OG Rollin' to Court

What is Oksana Grigorieva hiding on that thing?

One of the major downloads is almost complete, but there is still a lot of other data that must be retrieved and reviewed pertaining to the Mel Gibson case.

All the witnesses have been interviewed and when the data is reviewed it will be sent on to the L.A. County District Attorney, who will decide Oksana's fate.

The decision on whether to prosecute Oksana for extortion will be made at the same time the D.A. decides whether to prosecute Mel for domestic violence.

The pair is also battling over custody of their daughter Lucia. At his court deposition last week, Mel answered questions but gave her the silent treatment.

The long and short of it? We all know Oksana wants cash from Mel. But did she break the law in secretly recording him and trying to blackmail him for it?


Julia Stiles Julianne Hough Julie Benz Julie Berry K. D. Aubert

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